Pass-through dishwashers...
The work-horse of busy washing-up sections, a pass-through machine will quickly pay for itself in reduced labour costs.
A pass-through dishwasher will usually be mated to a pre-rinse spray station as shown, which can be manned at busy times with the machine set to a one-minute wash cycle. When the rush is over the machine can be set to a longer cycle, and the pre-rinse operator will not be needed.
Also available are larger 'flight' systems, in which the washware is carried through the machine on a conveyor belt.
Quality is everything in dishwashers. Our machines will survive 10 or more years of hard use. Some others, especially those produced for cheap internet sales, will be worn out after a couple of troublesome years.
Specifications and prices...
- DC pass-through dishwasher
- Krupps heavy duty pass-through dishwasher
- Elitech heavy duty pass-through dishwasher with wi-fi
- Winterhalter heavy duty pass-through dishwasher
- Conveyor dishwasher
- Pre-rinse spray units.pdf
- Water softeners